Bereavement Support Worker
In partnership with Child Bereavement UK we employ a bereavement support worker to help parents, siblings and carers in West Yorkshire following the death of a child where the death has been sudden and unexpected/unexplained (SUDIC).
We provide free, confidential support and guidance to parents and carers when a child from birth to 18-years-old dies.
We offer support to bereaved parents and carers to help them to better understand, engage with and navigate the Child Death Review processes and organisations involved, which can include the police, coroners, hospitals, employers and schools.
We can advocate (as appropriate) on behalf of parents and carers ensuring the family’s voice is heard throughout the process.
We provide bereavement support for bereaved parents, carers, and siblings when they choose that it is the right time for them.
Support can be accessed face to face or by telephone, video or instant messenger.
For more information, contact Nicola, Bereavement Support Practitioner (SUDIC): or leave a message on 0113 35 035 98
To make a self-referral, call Child Bereavement UK’s Helpline: