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Become a Member
If you or someone close to you has been touched by the tragedy of losing a child suddenly and unexpectedly, if you work in a profession that has to deal with the sudden death of a child, or if you are interested in supporting our cause because you care -please become a member or stay in touch.
Becoming a member of Elliot’s Footprint means that we can let you know about what we are doing and share our successes. Also you can help us to steer the direction of the charity through appointing our Trustees and approving our annual plans - though you don't have to do this, its just an option for you if you are interested. The more members we have the more support we have to make sure our work is helping bereaved families in the best ways possible.
When you join we need your contact details so that we can keep in touch and add you to our membership list. We can then keep you updated on how you can get involved through petitions, campaigning, volunteering, donating and you will get an invite to our charity Annual General Meeting. You can opt out at any time at which point you will also cease to be a member. We take the security of your data seriously. Your information is safe and secure with us.