We are excited to share that our very own Andrea and John (Elliot's parents) have been invited to attend the parliamentary reception at Westminster next Monday to represent Elliot's Footprint to assist in raising Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC) awareness.
Over 100 attendees have been invited to the event at Westminster, including affected families, expert medical professionals, police representatives and Senior Coroners, senior members of Royal Colleges and representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care and charities who support families affected by sudden unexpected child death. The attendees will have the opportunity to listen to a short presentation, understand the key issues, then network and find out what really matters to those in the room. Learning how attendees could collaborate or act now to improve care and help save lives.
The aims of the event are;
To launch an annual National SUDC Awareness Day on the 18th March.
To strengthen engagement in SUDC and inspire attendees to use their expertise and influence to act now to stop children dying without reason.
To celebrate the positive collaboration, expertise, dedication and bravery which has led to recent progress and confirm the task ahead.
Give attendees an understanding of how they can personally lend their support with tangible actions that will make a difference to children, affected families and professionals who work in this field.